Todays update.
So I gave it an hour and just threw some color on there and poked around the assets a litle bit.
Taking the rest of the day off from working and just gonna kick back with a puzzl-beer.. A cold beer!
At this point i’ve spent about 16-18 hours on this project (10 on actual production, rest on baking)
Monthly Archives: juni 2009
Portfolio project 2.0 – yesterdays update today
So this post I bring you the news of yesterday, TODAY!
Yea, it’s new and a bit exciting (and just a repurcusion of forgetting to post yeasterday, but shhh….)
Going to spend today making a fast texture pass on the mountain set and then move on to the other assets in the scene.
I will have to go back and tweak the highpoly and rebake the low poly down the line but after I got the mock texture on it is good enough for get started on the rest of the assets