Nothing major in this post. Just mentioning that I finished the little BSP-stuff I had left to do in the level layout and exported the BSP-base to maya. I also set up a project environment within maya so I can just get started tomorrow with all dirs and everything set up.
Monthly Archives: mars 2008
Project Cheap building. First Color test
I did a small color test for the cheap house. Not sure what I think of it just yet but I’ll post it as it is some kind of progress, even if I wake up in the morning and go ”What the hell is wrong with me?!” upon looking on it. At the moment, I’m not loving it but I cant figure out why so I’ll just return to it tomorrow.
Project RTS-Buildings. Primary texturing done…
Alright, so the texturing is pretty much done. Over the coming weeks until the deadline for the whole project I will most likely be tweaking it a lot though. Sorry for the poor quality of the shots.
Project RTS-buildings. Texturing still unfinished, but here are a few work in progress shots.
Okay, so I still haven’t finished texturing. I still got some tweaking, grunging and detailing left and then generating the normalmap. I promised a few screengrabs tonight though and here they are.
So what you’re looking at here is some simple untextured terrain and the 4500 polygon model with a work in progress texture (just diffusemap at this point).
I think I’ll be able to finish it tomorrow and then I’ll post more pictures.
Project RTS-buildings. Further texturing and some info on pipeline
Yesterday went well, texturing wise. I got most of the basic texturing done and all I have left is grunging it up to get that lovly wear and tear that midevil fantasy castles always get and some detailing and then generating the normalmap.
Because the nature of this project we’ve had to pull some neat tricks to get as good a result as possible. At this point the production phase isn’t done yet but I’m not really exploring new grounds here. I’m just using and combining different tools and technuiqes that I’ve known for quite some time. When going into pre-production on the project we quickly identified a few potential problems and restrictions, that we’ve worked very hard to get into opportunities and solutions.
The specifications for each stronghold:
3 buildings in one (three levels of upgrading)
5000 polygons
1024×1024 texture
Pixel per polygon ratio is about 210 pixels per polygon. That’s not a lot. The polygon count isn’t exactly sky high either, and those were the two major things we saw as problems that needed solutions. There are a few things that are given, but they come at a price:
Mirroring the building so you only have to texture one side but use it on both. This in itself poses a new problem and that problem is that you have to make the texture generic enough to make the mirroring not too obvious but you still have to make it interesting enough to be visually compelling. It’s a very fine balance.
Because of the polygon limit we decided early on to make windows and doors simply part of the texture. I exprimented with making high resolution models and render out ambient occlusion maps and normalmaps on both windows and doors but then I stumbeled upon some good photo references just two days ago that worked better in context of the building. Something I realized while texturing the model was that we had to do something with the windows. As it was, having windows just as textures turned out to be really, really uninteresting. It added nothing to the overall feel of the building and I just had to do something about that. After some testing I came to the conclusion that the best way to solve this was simply to make a new 4-polygon model (top and 3 walls) that can be placed anywhere on the building and have the window-texture on it. This will pose a small strain on the polygon limit but will instead free up texture space and also make for a more versatile model to animate. As it is, polygon limit isn’t as much of a problem because the model as it is now is 4500 polygons and we may be able to optimize it further depending on how Fransissco animates it.
The “3 buildings in one” isn’t as much of a problem as it is an interesting challenge. During our pre-production phase we built mockup models of all the buildings and experimented with how they would go from level 1 to level 2 to level 3 so we knew how the modular pieces each building consists of would be put together. This helped immensely during production for all parts involved in the project.
I’ll try to post some more work-in-progress shots tonight.
Project: RTS-buildings, Unannounced project
I went on with RTS-Buildings and made windows and doors, based on photos from I also registered an account there because 15mb/day that I share 300 other game developers on this shared university cable simply wont cut it. The textures turned out pretty good and all in all, I am pleased with todays work. I got a lot of the basics done and I started working on building specific details. The majority of detail in this building will be in the texture and if I need to I may make a few high resolution models as a base. We’ll see though, so far I’ve had no need to.
I also spent a few hours in UnrealED today, working on the Lifeblood-project. I worked out a basic level layout based on the description and reference pictures I’ve been provided and work is progressing well. At the time of writing this post I am rebuilding, a process ever so tedious and annoying but a necessary evil. It beats compiling maps for quake/half life atleast.
I can’t really divulge any information about the project but generally speaking, the direction of the level is pretty self explanatory due to the nature of the reference material. So the work I’ve done so far is blocking up basic shapes in BSP and then I’ll export a select few, namely the ones I’ll be working on, and make a detailed model in Maya and Mudbox. I will be making important game environments so even though I’m really on this project as an artist I’m doing some designer work aswell… I guess Level Artist is as good a word as any.
Enough for today though. Tomorrow I might post some more images of RTS-buildings…
Project RTS-Building. Texturing block lifted.
After having wasted the majority of yesterday on texturing using bad methods to mediocre results I decided a change of strategy was needed. So today I took a different path, using good and efficient methods towards a good results. I’ve built two base textures, one Brick texture and one smoothed marble looking texture and now I’m using these two as bases in the actual texture map. I am a bit worried about pulling the texture down to 1024×1024 though, but we’ll see. There is only so much you can do with these limitations of a single 1024×1024 texturemap.
Now I’m going to make some lunch and then get back to work. Afterwards I’m going to get started on Lifeblood project, A.K.A the “unannounced project”.
Project: RTS-Buildings, Cheap Building.
So I spent a few hours texturing today. I got the basic colours down and then I started working on the actual surfacing. The result sucked. I was just so off with everything I did and hours was spent on stuff that just didn’t turn out anywhere near the quality I’m after.
So Bleh on texturing today, at least for the RTS buildings.
About half an hour ago I just gave Maya the finger when it comes to baking out Ambient Occlusion maps from the “Cheap house” scene. I’ve had numerous attempts but so far I just haven’t had any good enough results. More often than not Maya just crashed, despite optimizing of the models to a fairly ridiculous level and a bunch of small tricks I’ve picked over the years. But as I said Maya suffered a serious case of crashing so I decided to try something else. Using a bunch of tricks with the baked normal map I used Xnormal and the different RGB channels to get something that looked pretty good. I can totally use it to base the diffuse map on so on a day that was more about failing in texturing this was the peak of my day.
Tomorrow I’m going spend on texturing the RTS-building.
Project RTS-Buildings. Reassembled once again.
I just finished reassembling the model using the Uvmapped and optimized modules. Turns out I optimized away around 800 polygons in the process of unwrappin and optimizing! I also added holders for the team flags that will be on the buildings along with the actual flags.
There are always minor stuff you miss when you’re in the midst of modelling like unneeded faces, and the like along with stuff that just wasn’t built in a clever way but that has now all been taken care of.
So: the model is now modelled, UV’s have been unwrapped and mapped into a single uvmap and I can only come to the conclusion that I’m quite a bit ahead of schedule. My part of the production for a single building in this project was calculated at 15 days and so far I’ve actually spent about 3 days on actual production. 2 of 3 elements, modelling and uvmapping have been completed within that time frame and now only Texturing remains.
I’m not 12 days ahead of schedule though. Last week when I realized I had managed to finish the workload of the entire week in two days I skipped town. I went to Stockholm and partied with a few friends, got drunk out of my mind and danced until my legs ached and then the weekend was spent with my girlfriend, mending a hang over and being generally lazy.
Yesterday was all spent on the milestone in university so I got nothing done so today I worked on the project for the first time in almost a week and I managing to get both unwrapping and uvmapping done, something I had scheduled as two days worth of work.
It’s been a good day!
I’m not gonna start texturing tonight though. I’ll spend tonight relaxing and just chilling and get back to it in the morning.
Project RTS-Buildings. Uvmapping done.
Modelling, unwrapping Uvs and creating the Uvmap. Check, check and check!
It took a while before I wrapped my head around how to put the Uvmap together in the most efficient way. The whole thing can be described as a mix between puzzle and Russian roulette. It is like a puzzle in the sense that you got all these pieces you need to fit together, except there is no guarantee you’ll make it all fit together. The Russian roulette part comes in to play because the times you just can’t get all fit you may feel the urge to play a game of it and hope to lose (wow… that’s a bit dark and morbid…).
I’m exadurating. In fact the process of unwrapping Uvs and creating the Uvmap for this particular model was fairly event less to borderline boring. I’m not complaining though because the faster this is done the faster you can move on to texturing, which is among the most fun things you can do on your own that isn’t either legal or frowned upon when mentioned in public.
In this particular case I also have to reassemble the modules into one cohesive building and then I can get started with it (The texturing.)