The last stronghold building has now gone into production. Here are a few work-in-progress screen caps from today, finishing with a render of the model at this point.
Picture from the low-poly dummy building we made in pre-proudction. I started with picking a module….
… Move it to the side of the scene and begin defining its shape. This is a tree that the stronghold will be built around. Later today I’m going to make another version to be detailed in mudbox, so the tree you see here is just a placeholder at this point.
Started on the entrance part, again this is more of a placeholder than final model. Here you can see the outlines of the dummy building too.
Lots of progress. Built the tree-log-wall thing for half the stronghold, added the cloth/skin they use for a ceiling and mirrored the cave entrance.
Made the bones/rib-cage thing at the entrance. Added another bit o cloth. The tree will be animated at a later point, with the branch being moved in different directions. It’s current position is something of a ”neutral pose”, to be considered like the T-pose of a character.